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What is Composite Decking?

As the name suggests, composite decking is a combination of materials to form the ideal decking for you. Previously when somebody wanted garden decking they would be using wood only. This would involve a long process – deciding on what type of wood, finding the right budget, installing it and most importantly maintaining it. However, in recent times, composite decking has become the most popular form of decking. Composite decking is a man made construct, comprised (or should we say composited) of a mixture of wood and plastic. Because the material is made up of the best of both worlds, it means that the decking has the look and feel of wood but the durability of plastic. This makes it easy to install and even easier to maintain. Different companies use different materials when creating the composite. At Dino Decking we use an environmentally friendly wood-polymer composite made from 55% recycled wood, 40% recycled HDPE and 5% additives (this includes colouring, bonding agents and so forth).

Installing Composite Decking

There are no tricky instructions here. Installing composite decking uses the same tools of the trade and as long as you follow the installation guidelines you’ll be able to lay it down in no time. The added benefit of composite decking is you won’t have to deal with all the roughness/splinters that come with wood. The biggest difference is the method of installation, timber decking requires for the boards to be nailed/screwed into the infrastructure, whereas composite decking uses hidden fastener screws of which do not screw through the decking but hold the decking in place using the grooves – this means composite decking is much easier to construct than timber decking and can be done by the end user themselves.

Benefits of Composite Decking

Where do we begin? Let’s start with cost, which is a major factor when it comes to investing in decking. If you’re going to lay some out in the garden or at the back of your house, you want to make sure it’s going to last. While composite decking might cost more initially, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment because the material will last longer than its wooden decking counterpart and will require less maintenance. So moving on to some of the other perks – composite decking requires a lot less maintenance. And we mean a lot. They don’t have to be painted or sealed or stained like wood does – the synthetic plastic material helps with this. It also means they won’t splinter or crack. You can just lay the decking, sit back and enjoy it.

How to Choose the Right Composite Decking

Easy. Just take a look at our range or get in touch with us. Let us know what you want in your decking and we’ll come up with a cost-friendly solution that will last you a lifetime.

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FREE Sample Pack

Our sample pack contains a sample piece of each colour currently available. Order your free sample pack today to compare the colours and get a true feeling of the Dino Decking range! 

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